Saturday, May 28, 2016

Discovery time

Sharing and taking turns

Lincoln and Caezar working co-operatively on their project.

Team work in the garden.

Stilt fun.

More team work!

We had an electrician to replace two light fittings during the week.
He told the children how much the lights cost, the fittings and his time.
Then they worked out how much it all cost. $$$$$$$

We found out why the light switch was turned off before Ben started fixing the light!

We had a great finish to the week on Friday, as we went to see the group 'Strike'.
This was an amazing and entertaining experience. The group even used fire as an instrument!
They did tell the children they had to practise a lot and it was not for children to try at home!
Jeanette and Maria had a 'try' as well as some children.
I hope the children shared this experience at home.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

On Friday afternoon we were invited to see the displays down the hill.
DoC provided the displays as a 'Farewell to the Whitebait' event.
We saw fish jumping, swimming, and even climbing.
Hope the children shared this event with families.

The children are very enthusiastic about science experiments .....
Oobleck - squishy, smooth, hard ... messy!

White chrysanthemum in blue dye ......

After 3 hours the petals started to turn blue

By the end of the day the petals were a bit more blue

Floating or sinking eggs....
Ask your child what happened.

We've had another busy week!
On Friday it was Miriama's last day so we said good-bye and wished her luck.

Miriama enjoyed playing with the puppets, Tolson and Artemis in the castle during Discovery.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Today we had a special morning tea to celebrate the 90th birthday of Queen Elizabeth.
We started with 'God Save the Queen', a toast - led by Phoebe, 3 cheers - led by Noah and a karakia.
The children enjoyed the menu
~  mini savouries
~  mini cheese muffins
~ jam pennies - ask your child about them!
~ jewelled bread (fairy bread)
~ lolly cake
~ crown cookies
~ mini jellies
~ mini cupcakes - thanks to Jasmine and Noah's sister
~ chocolate birthday cake  - thanks to Phoebe's Mum
The children took home a 'goodie' bag with red, white and blue jellybeans
  The children were very polite, showed excellent manners, and generally had a very nice time.