Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The water toys were fun today.
I got very, very wet!

Thursday is our last day at school for 2016. We finish school at 12pm.

It has been a great year of learning in Room 8.
Thank you to everyone for helping to make this year special.

Good luck to our Year 3's moving to Year 4.
Next year it is a good opportunity for our Year 2's to step up to be the role models to welcome the new Year 2 children.

We were aiming for 4000 page views this year - we nearly made it!
We really enjoy looking at the map to see where people are looking at our blog. (We especially like comments.)

We hope everyone has a Happy Christmas and safe and enjoyable holidays.
Remember to book your PLP for 2017.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Today Ashveer's family, including his grandmother from India, came to school to celebrate Ashveer's birthday. They brought pizza and a drink for the children and some lollies to share with families at home.
The children have also taken home a Christmas decoration to hang on the tree. This can be kept from year to year as long as it is kept dry.

Tomorrow is our last day. Remember school finishes at 12pm

Saturday, December 10, 2016

We have been contacted by the Christchurch Library to see if they can have some copies of our book, 'Welcome to Christchurch' in their collection.

They will let us know where it will be.....

 1.      Margaret Mahy Collection.
This is the heritage children’s collection of most titles published in New Zealand with a strong focus on Canterbury.  This is not a borrowing collection and is restricted access to the collection until the new Central Library opens in 2018.

2.      Children’s collection.
This will mean that it can be borrowed and it will ‘float’ which means that it stays at the library it is returned to.

That's pretty special.

The article about Room 8 was published in the Library newsletter, 'Uncover-Huraina', 
December 2016 - February 2017, Issue 02.
Eileen's photo is with the article!
Phew last week was a BIG week!
~ The tabloids were fun on Monday.
~ The rest of the school enjoyed our dress rehearsal on Monday as well
~ Our End if Year Celebration on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons was well received by our audience.
~ Our swim at Waltham Pool was great
~ This was followed up with the school picnic in the evening!
I am sure everyone slept well on Friday night :)

Monday, December 5, 2016

It was pretty exciting in our class this afternoon.
We had a text to say there was a special delivery for us in the office!
Cesar's Mum, Oana, is from Romania and their Christmas tradition is to celebrate St Nicholas.
In some European countries children receive gifts (or a stick) on 6th December.
So Cesar's Mum arranged for St Nicholas to drop off some presents for Room 8!!!!!!
Everyone had a present!

Thank you for your help Oana.

We finished off the day with some stollen - traditional fruit bread from Germany.

We are looking forward to our Celebration tomorrow and on Thursday.

Help please
Jasmine and Tolson have misplaced their polar fleeces.
Could families please check to make sure you have the correct fleece at home. Thanks for your help.
Good News
Lucia completed most Home Learning activities this term. Congratulations, Lucia.
Ashveer, Flinn and Eileen also did well. Ka pai!

Congratulations to everyone.
Our class was first to return all our library books. Yahoo! 
Thanks to families for helping to track down the last tricky few. 

We are always happy to receive any readers that may have been found lurking under beds, or hiding in book cases. They can be returned to class or dropped at the office.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

The build up to Christmas is always a fun time. 
We have plenty of activities planned at school - our End of Year Celebration, tabloids, usual athletics programme, class swimming times and our fun swim at Waltham Pool.
In between we have some Christmas activities to create to share with family and friends.
We have been learning about the different customs for celebrating Christmas from around the world.
Last week we talked about some traditions from Germany. Anna told us gifts are exchanged on Christmas Eve, 24th December.
This week we will be finding out about some different customs and traditions.

Playing draughts is very popular in Room 8

A small surprise ......

Skip It skills.

The children are very keen to get to 4000 page views before the end of school. We currently have 3691 so it is nearly achievable 

This is a record of our page views this past week.
New Zealand
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
United States
It is quite exciting looking at the world map to see where the different countries are.
Grandparents and friends from overseas often look to see what we are up to.

I am trying to impress the children with a Christmas joke each day....
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Wendy who?
Wendy red red robin comes bob bob bobbin along.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Happy 7th BIrthday Kadin. We know you had a great day!
Today Flinn, Anna and Phoebe represented Room 8 at the 'Tough Kids Challenge'.
I think they will sleep well tonight!
Thank you for the photos Fiona.

Please remember to bring a fun hat for our performance. Thank you to the children who have already scored 500 House points for bringing their hat already!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

We are busy preparing for our Junior Team End of Year Celebration.
For the performance your child will need to bring a hat (not their school hat) from home.
 Please name the hat and send it to school by the end of this week. J

We are looking forward to seeing you on the 7th or 8th of December at 2pm.
Thank you for your support
Today we received this cute photo of Oliver. His Mum, Jamie, teaches the class we write to at Woodlawn School in America.
Oliver is wearing the booties we sent.
Jamie said 'Hi' to us and they will write again next year when she is back at school.

Friday, November 25, 2016

A note for Noah - 3625 pageviews.
At Discovery time on Friday Sandra came to help the children finish off their pieces of fabric which can be used as an alternative to glad wrap.
The fabric has been ironed with beeswax. It can be kept clean by wiping with a warm cloth.
We hope you like them.
Thank you Sandra!

Some of the children have been enjoying challenging each other to play draughts - this could be a good game for Christmas....
We have started the 'props' for the Garden Show next year.

The Skip-its' are still very popular!

We've had another busy week ....
Flinn visited a farm and brought some feathers and wool to share.
One of the peacock feathers was taller than...Flinn (and me!)

 Lucia is writing a book.
She has created one of the characters as well.

 Beau brought his love bird to share.
Flash has beautiful mostly green feathers and a peach coloured head.
Flash visited us on Mufti Day.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Karen, our librarian, has asked for all library books to be returned to school please.

Friday, November 18, 2016

At Discovery time this week we had a go at creating an alternative to glad wrap!
We discovered most of the rubbish in the playground was food wrappers or glad wrap so... we did some research and found we could make our own wrappers!
We needed some material, beeswax and an iron.
Anna's Mum, Sandra came to help with the iron.
We found the tricky thing was to grate the beeswax......
So now we need to find a better way to grate it so next week more children can have a 'go'.
Thank you Sandra for your help.

The children enjoyed some other activities too ....

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The children have asked for the lemonade recipe to be posted.

Homemade lemonade
500 ml of water
1 lemon
1/2 lime ( we didn't have a lime)
5 tablespoons sugar                                                                    

1.   Squeeze the lemon and lime juice into a jug.
2.   Add the sugar
3.   Boil the water, pour into the jug and stir.
4.   Put in the fridge to cool down.

Remember this is a treat.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Good news
The pool is ready.
Our swimming days are Monday and Wednesday. If enough children bring their togs tomorrow we can have our first swim. :)

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Hello Friends and Families
We hope you are all okay. We are. :)
We have 7 children in our class this morning.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Learning Conferences are next week.
Please use the pathway to book your time.
Code:  UCE84

Thursday, November 10, 2016

This week we have been talking about the importance of drinking water.
We had a 'go' at making our own lemonade on Thursday and we saw how much sugar was used! This is definitely a treat drink.
The children worked in small groups to cut and squeeze the lemon, measure and stir the sugar. Then we had a taste.
Lots of the children said they had lemon trees at home and would be able to make a drink for their families.